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Chapter 5: Training a Linear Model with PyTorch

PyTorch Modules

face Luca Grillotti

It is usually much more common to create a Module to implement a pytorch model.

Let’s do that for the example we had before!

We first create a class ModelNumberQuestions, inheriting from torch.nn.Module

We have to define 2 methods for our ModelNumberQuestions:

  1. __init__(...) where all our parameters will be declared.
  2. forward(...) which returns the output of the model.


First, we define all the parameters of our module. All the module parameters should be defined as attributes in the __init__:

import torch

class ModelNumberQuestions(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        initial_tensor_value = torch.Tensor([1])
        initial_theta_0 = torch.Tensor([1])
        initial_theta_1 = torch.Tensor([2])
        self.theta_0 = torch.nn.Parameter(initial_theta_0)
        self.theta_1 = torch.nn.Parameter(initial_theta_1)


Now, you can use the parameters() (or named_parameters()) method to directly see the module parameters:

net = ModelNumberQuestions()


The forward method is used to output our estimator \widehat{n_Q} given its input (here: the number of tasks \widehat{n_T}).

Thus, forward model just implements the operation.

import torch

class ModelNumberQuestions(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        initial_theta_0 = torch.Tensor([1])
        initial_theta_1 = torch.Tensor([2])
        self.theta_0 = torch.nn.Parameter(initial_theta_0)
        self.theta_1 = torch.nn.Parameter(initial_theta_1)

    def forward(self, tensor_number_tasks):
        return self.theta_1 * tensor_number_tasks + self.theta_0

Now, if you want to calculate the estimator outputted by the model, you can simply call the forward method.

net = ModelNumberQuestions()
tensor_number_tasks = torch.Tensor([3])

Alternatively, instead of net.forward(tensor_number_tasks), you may directly use:



Modify the optimisation procedure you implemented before to use the torch module ModelNumberQuestions given above.

Hint: To apply the optimiser to all the parameters of the module, you can replace the list_parameters we’ve been using so far by net.parameters():

optimiser = torch.optim.SGD(params=net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

First modify our function compute_loss and replace theta_0 and theta_1 with our module:

def compute_loss(list_number_tasks, list_number_questions, model_number_questions):
    mse_loss = torch.Tensor([0])

    for number_tasks, number_questions in zip(list_number_tasks, list_number_questions):
        # computing squared error for single data sample (number_tasks, number_questions)
        tensor_number_tasks = torch.Tensor([number_tasks])
        estimator_number_questions = model_number_questions(tensor_number_tasks)

        error = estimator_number_questions - number_questions
        squared_error = error * error

        # adding the computed error to the loss
        mse_loss += squared_error

    # computing mean squared error.
    mse_loss /= len(list_number_tasks)

    return mse_loss

Then, we can use that function in train_parameters_linear_regression to optimise our module parameters:

def train_parameters_linear_regression(list_number_tasks, list_number_questions, learning_rate=0.02, number_training_steps=200):
    Instantiate ModelNumberQuestions model and optimises the parameters of the model, given the dataset
    of list_number_tasks and list_number_questions.

        list_number_tasks (List[float]): of size n where n is the number of questions (it is also the number of tasks)
        list_number_questions (List[float]): of size n where n is the number of questions (it is also the number of tasks)
        learning_rate (float):
        number_training_steps (int):

        trained network (ModelNumberQuestions)

    net = ModelNumberQuestions()

    optimiser = torch.optim.SGD(net.parameters(), lr=learning_rate)

    for _ in range(number_training_steps):

        mse_loss = compute_loss(list_number_tasks, list_number_questions, model_number_questions=net)

        mse_loss.backward()  # Compute gradients
        optimiser.step()  # Perform 1-step gradient descent.

        print("loss:", mse_loss.item())

    print("Final Parameters:\n", list(net.named_parameters()))

    return net