This is an archived version of the course. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Welcome to the course!

face Josiah Wang

Welcome to the Python Programming course!

My name is Josiah, and I will be your personal guide though these study materials.

These guided study materials will be the centrepiece of our course. They are designed to be self-paced and self-guided for you to study on your own (or with your coursemates).

I have two aims for this course:

  1. for you to be able learn programming in a fun and enjoyable way.
  2. to get you writing programs as soon as you can, so that you will be able to actually apply them in other courses in your degree.

I have designed our course materials so that you will be doing and applying what you have learnt quickly. This is a better way to learn programming rather than just listening to me delivering boring lectures 😪

I will assume that you have no prior programming experience. But even if you do, please still try to go through the materials. The course is not only about Python and programming. We will cover other related topics ranging from algorithms to Software Engineering practices. So I am sure you will learn something new no matter your programming experience!

I have broken up all lessons into chapters. Feel free to take breaks in between chapters - give your body some time to rest, and your brain to process and store what you have just learnt!