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DataFrame information

Summary statistics

The .describe() method returns summary statistics of the Series or DataFrame provided, excluding NaN values.

For numeric data, the method returns a Series or DataFrame that includes the index count, mean, std, min, max etc.

For object data such as strings, the resulting Series/DataFrame includes count, unique, top and freq (of top element).

## Series with numeric data
s = pd.Series([1, 2, 3])
## count    3.0
## mean     2.0
## std      1.0
## min      1.0
## 25%      1.5
## 50%      2.0
## 75%      2.5
## max      3.0
## dtype: float64

## Series with categorical data
s = pd.Series(["a", "a", "b", "c"])
## count     4
## unique    3
## top       a
## freq      2
## dtype: object

Use .value_counts() to get the frequency counts for each element.

s = pd.Series(["a", "a", "b", "a", "c", "b", "d"])
## a    3
## b    2
## d    1
## c    1
## dtype: int64

For our movie example:

## count                        1000
## unique                        207
## top       Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
## freq                           50
## Name: Genre, dtype: object

## Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi    50
## Drama                      48
## Comedy,Drama,Romance       35
## Comedy                     32
## Drama,Romance              31
## Name: Genre, dtype: int64