This is an archived version of the course and is no longer updated. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

DataFrame columns

You can access the list of columns of a DataFrame with its .columns attribute.

## Index(['Rank', 'Genre', 'Description', 'Director', 'Actors', 'Year',
##        'Runtime (Minutes)', 'Rating', 'Votes', 'Revenue (Millions)',
##        'Metascore'],
##       dtype='object')

Columns can be renamed with DataFrame’s .rename() method. Let’s say that we think “Runtime (Minutes)” and “Revenue (Millions)” are too long and want to rename these.

df.rename(columns={"Runtime (Minutes)": "Runtime_mins", 
                   "Revenue (Millions)": "Revenue_mils"
                  }, inplace=True)
## Index(['Rank', 'Genre', 'Description', 'Director', 'Actors', 'Year',
##        'Runtime_mins', 'Rating', 'Votes', 'Revenue_mils', 'Metascore'],
##       dtype='object')

Accessing DataFrame columns

You can access a single column as a Series object by passing the column name to the DataFrame.

genre_column = df["Genre"]
print(type(genre_column))   ## <class 'pandas.core.series.Series'>
## Title
## Guardians of the Galaxy     Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi
## Prometheus                 Adventure,Mystery,Sci-Fi
## Split                               Horror,Thriller
## Sing                        Animation,Comedy,Family
## Suicide Squad              Action,Adventure,Fantasy
## Name: Genre, dtype: object

You can also access one or more columns as a DataFrame by pasing a list of column names.

genre_column = df[["Genre"]]
print(type(genre_column))  ## <class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>

columns_df = df[["Genre", "Year", "Runtime_mins"]] 
##                                             Genre  Year  Runtime_mins
## Title
## Guardians of the Galaxy   Action,Adventure,Sci-Fi  2014           121
## Prometheus               Adventure,Mystery,Sci-Fi  2012           124
## Split                             Horror,Thriller  2016           117