This is an archived version of the course and is no longer updated. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.


Welcome back to the course!

Now that we are all officially at Imperial, let get cracking and jump straight into an intensive first week.

What we will cover in this module

If you remember, we talked about different building blocks of programming in our pre-sessional videos.

There is the simple statement block, the selection block, and the repetition block.

We have also briefly touched functions, which is just yet another block that you can reuse.

So this week, we will discuss these in more detail.

We will also go into more detail about the finer components in an instruction:

So we’ll look at statements, expressions, values, variables and literals.

We will go into more detail for all these, and especially in the context of Python.

And that problem solving thing…

And remember that “problem solving” thing that I was banging on about? Let’s forget about that for a moment, at least for this module.

Instead, we will focus on understanding the tools that we can use to solve your problems later.