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List comprehensions

You may find yourself doing something like the below quite often. What does the code do?

capitals = ["London", "Paris", "Rome", "Madrid"] 
lengths = []
for c in capitals:

Python recommends using list comprehension for such cases to make it more compact and readable.

lengths = ([len(c) for c in capitals]) 

Here’s another example. (What does it do?)

words = ["this", "list", "contains", "extremely", "lengthy", "expressions"]
short_words = []
for word in words:
    if len(words) <= 4:

The version using list comprehension is much more compact (and perhaps even easier to read).

short_words = [word for word in words if len(words) <= 4]

Here are some more complicated versions of list comprehensions:

[expr for var in list_name]
[expr for var in list_name if condition]
[expr for var1 in list_name1 for var2 in list_name2]
[expr for var in list_name if condition1 if condition2]
[expr if condition else condition for var in list_name]

The general guideline is that you should use list comprehensions when it makes your code more readable.

Set and dictionary comprehension

Comprehension can also be applied to sets…

elements = [1, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2] 
unique_elements = {element for element in elements}

…and to dictionaries.

tall_students = {key: value for (key, value) in height_dict.items() if value > 5}