Chapter 2: Object interaction

Objects interact with one another

face Josiah Wang

Hopefully the video was enjoyable!

So far, we have implemented object-orientation in our code, but only for single objects on their own.

In real life, however, objects do not exist on their own. They are usually related to or are associated with other objects. Objects will interact with or be associated with other objects.

Towards the end of the video earlier, you might have noticed hero.attack(enemy) and enemy.attack(hero) in my code. In this example, you can see how hero can ‘interact’ with enemy by attacking the enemy. Similarly, enemy can also attack hero.

In this lesson, I will start steering you towards writing codes that are even more object-oriented. More specifically, you will start developing programs not as a sequence of instructions or function calls, but as a sequence of object interactions. Such abstractions will make your code easier to read, to understand, and to maintain.