Chapter 8: Robots and remote clones

Remote repositories

face Josiah Wang

I think you have had enough programming exercises for this lesson! Hopefully I haven’t burnt out your poor brain yet!

Let us now just do a bit of work with git to unwind before we wrap up this lesson.

So far, we have only dealt with local git repositories. The strength of git, however, is that you can work with other users on the same git repository remotely. You can also share your repository with others, for example you may implement some ground-breaking code or algorithm during your individual project or PhD, and want to share it with the rest of the world! Even this page you are looking at now runs on git!

So, from this lesson onwards, we will start exploring working with remote git repositories.

Let’s start with a simple scenario for now. Say you want to download the repository containing my implementation of my robot project so that you can inspect my solutions, especially this latest one that converts your robot into a dict representation. Your lecturer knows everything and you want to learn all his fancy tricks!

It will be convenient to be able to just save a copy of my code on your computer, so that you can run the codes, browse my commit history, etc. You will be doing just that!