Chapter 5: Sets and dictionaries

Set operations

face Josiah Wang

Set operations

Python provides overloaded operators for various set operations. Since set is also an object, some of these are also available as methods. I will let you explore these on your own.

Operation Math Notation Python Operator Object Methods
Union A \cup B a_set | b_set a_set.union(b_set)
Intersection A \cap B a_set & b_set a_set.intersection(b_set)
Difference A \setminus B a_set - b_set a_set.difference(b_set)
Symmetric difference A \triangle B a_set ^ b_set a_set.symmetric_difference(b_set)
Membership x \in B x in b_set
Non-membership x \notin B x not in b_set
Proper Subset A \subset B a_set < b_set
Subset A \subseteq B a_set <= b_set a_set.issubset(b_set)
Proper Superset A \supset B a_set > b_set
Superset A \supseteq B a_set >= b_set a_set.issuperset(b_set)