This is an archived version of the course. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to Lesson 6

face Josiah Wang

Hope you aced the quiz! If not, learn from any mistakes you made!

You should now have a firm foundation of programming fundamentals and are be able to solve any programming challenges that come your way! You should hopefully be able to write modular and self-explanatory programs via functions, combined with the basic ‘building blocks’ like selection and repetition.

Moving on from basic types

So far, we have only covered basic data types like numbers, strings and booleans. We will now start exploring more complex data structures beyond these basic types. These will give you more powerful options when writing Python programs and make your life easier.

In this lesson, we will focus on sequences in Python. How can you easily represent and work with multiple objects as a group?

I will of course also get you to apply what you have learned to solve more fun, challenging programming problems!

As usual, I will also go beyond Python and discuss topics related to debugging and testing. We will also try going back in time with Git and check out your robot code from previous lessons! And speaking of robots, I guess we can start generating multiple robots! I suspect your robot is lonely and needs new friends/soulmates/rivals/enemies!

Shall we begin?