This is an archived version of the course. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

Chapter 1: Introduction


face Josiah Wang

In this lesson, we will look at NumPy, a Python package that is used for numerical and scientific computing.

This lesson merely serves as an introduction to NumPy.

I will not be able to cover every single feature of NumPy (and won’t), so please do refer to the official NumPy documentation to explore all the nitty gritty details that NumPy offers. I will only focus on features that you will most likely use to get you through most tasks. Remember that my aim is to teach you how to fish and to cook your own fish, and not to just serve you ready grilled fish! 🐟

Towards the end of the lesson, we will also briefly look at Matplotlib, a Python visualisation toolkit for plotting graphs, figures etc.

I will assume that you are well-versed with OOP concepts by now (attributes, methods, classes, composition, etc.), and will use OOP terminologies as if you were born speaking OOP!

Let’s get started!