This is an archived version of the course. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

Chapter 10: Summary

Concluding notes

face Josiah Wang

This marks the end of our “Core” lessons. Hopefully it has been enjoyable and helpful in building and strengthening your foundations in programming, Python, and Software Engineering practice skills.

What’s next?

Beyond these core lessons, we will have lessons on even more advanced programming features that come with Python. I estimate each of these will be much shorter than our core lessons. These advanced lessons are not essential for this course itself; they are mainly for your own benefit, either for other courses in your degree or for your own future use/knowledge.

Final remarks

As a final note, continue practising! That’s the best way to improve your programming and Python skills. Apply your knowledge and skills in your other courses, in your personal projects, go online to solve more practical problems and challenges, or even improve your robot project in your spare time (if you get any)! Hopefully it will all become second nature to you at some point in your life as you continue to sharpen your skills!

I will end with a final reminder from our very first lesson: always remember to understand the problem first and be clear of your solution, before you actually start coding!

Happy programming (whether it’s Python or not)!