This is an archived version of the course. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

Chapter 3: A variety of robots!

It is now your robot!

face Josiah Wang

I would love to give you more different features to add to your robot. Unfortunately I have no more chance for these since we are at the last core lesson. Hopefully you have managed to learn something from this practical robot project anyway!

I now leave the fate of your robot project in your own hands. You have full power to do whatever you want with it, whenever you like or have time!

The robot project has a lot of potential to go many different ways. The possibilities are endless!

  • Robots that move left instead of right
  • Robots that move diagonally
  • Robots that navigate differently
  • Robots that has a larger field of view and can spot their drink from far away
  • Robots that can avoid obstacles or tracks
  • Robots that can navigate to any spot for their drinks (and not just the corners)
  • Robots that cooperate with one other for a Ribena or J2O treasure hunt
  • Robots that race each other for drinks etc
  • Robots that can attack each other and do battle with each other

It is always motivating to have some clear and fun goal to practise your programming skills. I think you can definitely practise your OOP skills quite a lot here!

Enjoy bringing your robot project further!