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Chapter 5: List comprehension

Set and dict comprehension

face Josiah Wang

Comprehension can also be applied to sets.

>>> tokens = ["feelings", "feelings", "like", "i've", "never", "lost", "you", 
...    "and", "feelings", "like", "i've", "never", "have", "you"]
>>> unique_short_words = {token for token in tokens if len(token) <= 4}
>>> print(unique_short_words)
{'and', 'like', 'you', "i've", 'have', 'lost'}

Comprehension can also be applied to dictionaries.

>>> heights = {"Josiah": 160, "Harry": 170, "Joe": 175, "William": 165}
>>> tall_students = {key: value for (key, value) in heights.items() if value >= 170}
>>> print(tall_students)
{'Harry': 170, 'Joe': 175}