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Chapter 4: More iterable objects

enumerate Exercise

face Josiah Wang

Here’s a quick exercise to try to use enumerate for yourself.

Write a function get_word_positions() that takes a list of str as input. It should return a dict where the keys are the unique set of strings in the input list (i.e. the vocabulary), and the values are a list of indices where the word occurs in the list (starting from 0). See sample usage below.

While there are many ways to solve this problem, do use the enumerate object since this is an exercise to practise that!

Sample usage

>>> words = ["feelings", "feelings", "like", "i've", "never", "lost", "you", "and", "feelings", "like", "i've", "never", "have", "you"]
>>> positions = get_word_positions(words)
>>> print(positions)
{'feelings': [0, 1, 8], 
 'like': [2, 9], 
 "i've": [3, 10], 
 'never': [4, 11], 
 'lost': [5], 
 'you': [6, 13], 
 'and': [7], 
 'have': [12]