This is an archived version of the course. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Introduction to Lesson 9

face Josiah Wang

I’m sure that was an easy quiz!

As we move towards the last few ‘Core’ lessons, I will move away from the ‘programming’ side of the course, and focus more on the ‘Python’ part of the course. So we will be discussing quite a lot of Python specific features and nuances in these final few ‘Core’ lessons.

From the programming and software engineering side, we will continue building on what we covered about object-oriented programming from the previous few lessons, and try to bring out object-oriented programming to its fullest potential!

In this lesson, we will start by going straight into the main topic of this lesson. We will try to bring the concept of object-oriented programming further into our programs. More specifically, we will concentrate on how you can have objects interact with each other. And with that, you will continue to refactor your robot project to make it even more object-oriented!

We will then explore various Python-specific topics.

We will look at several useful iterable objects, such as enumerate() and zip(). These are usually used with for loops.

I will also discuss at list comprehension, which is a simpler and recommended way of writing for loops under certain conditions.

Following on from the last lesson, I will also talk about how to organise and structures your modules into packages.

I will also cover minor topics like reading JSON files, reading in command line arguments and customising Exception arguments.

Here we go!