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Chapter 7: Add robot actions!

Wrapping up Git

face Josiah Wang

This is as far as we will go with Git for our course. I only concentrated on the most important git commands, but there are still more Git features and commands that we did not cover. I will leave you to figure any of these out yourself! The Pro Git book discussed even more Git topics if you wish to be a Git master!

As a summary, your typical Git workflow will usually involve:

  • git add
  • git commit
  • git push

These are the three commands that you will be using the most, along with git status and git log.

Always remember to git pull the latest remote version before starting any local changes.

In fact, git pull often!

Also git push regularly to your remote repo. This is even more important if you are working collaboratively. The longer you wait, the more likely it is for someone else to edit the same file as you did and cause merge conflicts. Then you will have to spend time figuring out how to fix the problem!