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Chapter 5: Advanced topics

Web frameworks

face Josiah Wang

If you are interested in the server side of things like building your own Web API, then you will likely be using a Web framework library. For example, I used Flask to implement my example blog API that you have been using.

We will not be covering these in our course (since it is more about learning how to use a library than programming!)

But in case you are interested or find them useful in the future, I have included two talks here from one of our second year undergraduate courses to develop human-centric web applications. Watch them at a later time when you need them; these will be available as long as you still have your Imperial College account. Both videos are restricted to students officially registered for the Python Programming course.

The first video is a talk on Django, a Python Web application framework for you to easily build web applications. This video was from the pre-COVID era, when the talk was held in a physical lecture theatre with a live student audience.

The second video is a talk on Flask, a Python “web microframework” which is more lightweight than Django. This video is by our very own web development guru Ivan Procaccini. This video is from May 2020 (so from the early lockdown era). The Gitlab repository for the talk can be found here.

Enjoy! Remember that you can come back and watch them later when you need them!