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Methods for lists and sets

Now that we hopefully really understand OOP, let us take a look at some methods provided by different built-in Python collections.

List methods

  • lst.sort() - sorts the list in-place (does not return it – it returns None). This is called a mutator method. Use the function sorted() if you want a copy returned instead.
  • lst.reverse() - reverses the list in-place (again does not return it). Use the function reversed() if you want a copy returned.
  • lst.insert(index, value) - inserts value at the given index shifting elements to the right
  • lst.append(value) - adds the value to the end of the list (does not return it)
  • lst.index(value) - returns the index of the first instance of value
  • lst.remove(value) - removes the first instance of value
  • lst.extend(lst2) - adds the elements of lst2 to the end of lst
  • lst.count(value) - counts the number of instances of value in the list
  • lst.pop(index) - removes and returns the element at the given index (removes and returns the last item if index is not given
  • lst.clear() - empties the list

Set methods

  • These are equivalent to the set operators discussed in earlier modules
    • s1.union(s2)
    • s1.intersection(s2)
    • s1.difference(s2)
    • s1.symmetric_difference(s2)
    • s1.issubset(s2)
    • s1.issuperset(s2)
  • s1.isdisjoint(s2) - returns if there are no common elements
  • s.add() - adds a single element to the set
  • s.update() - adds multiple elements to the set
  • s.intersection_update() - modifies a set by intersection
  • s.difference_update() - modifies a set by difference
  • s1.symmetric_dfference_update(s2) - modifies a set by symmetric difference
  • s.discard(elem) - removes elem if elem is in the set
  • s.remove(elem) - removes elem if elem is in the set, otherwise it raises an error
  • s.pop() - removes and returns an arbitrary element
  • s.clear() - removes all elements from the set s