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Indexing and slicing

Now, let’s talk about how to access elements in a NumPy array.

For a 1D array, you access it just like a Python list, with a square bracket []. Slicing works too.

x = np.array([1,2,3,4,5])
print(x[0])   ## 1
print(x[-1])  ## 5
print(x[2:4]) ## [3 4]
print(x[:3])  ## [1 2 3]

For multidimensional arrays, you access indices of different axes/dimensions by separating the indices with a comma. Slicing will also work.

y = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 5], [-1, 4, 7, 9]]) 
print(y[0,1])    ## 2  (row 0, col 1)
print(y[-1,-2])  ## 7  (last row, second-to-last col)
print(y[1:3, :-1]) ## [[-1  4  7]] (figure this out yourself!)
print(y[:,:])    ## What does this do?
print(y[0])      ## And this one?

While you can also use y[0][1] as in a Python list, this is much slower than y[0,1]. So use y[0,1] if you want your code to be more efficient!

Integer array indexing

You can also access arbitrary groups of items in an np.ndarray, using a list of indices.

print(y[[1, 0], [3, 2]])  ## [9 3]  (row 1, col 3; and row 0, col 2)

Boolean indexing

You can also access only elements in an array with a boolean np.ndarray as its indices.

x = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
condition = np.array([True, False, False, True, True])
print(x[condition])   # [1 4 5]  (only keep elements that are True)

This is mainly useful for filtering your arrays. Possibly one of the most useful features that you may end up using a lot!

y = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 5], [-1, 4, 7, 9]]) 

print(y[y < 4])   
## [1 2 3 -1] (Keep only elements that are <4)

print(y[(y < 4) & (y > 1)])   
## [2 3] (Keep elements that are <4 and >1). 
## (Note the paranthesis - you will get errors otherwise because of operator precedence)

print(y[np.logical_and(y < 4, y > 1)])  
## Same as above

More advanced indexing techniques are covered in the official documentation.