Higher-order functions
Remember higher-order functions? We discussed these in Functional Programming.
Recall that higher-order functions are functions that take a function as an input argument or return a function. For example, the Python map()
and filter()
functions are higher-order functions that takes functions as input.
Since all functions are objects in Python, we can pass them into a function as input arguments. What is the output for the following piece of code?
def laugh():
print("MUAHAHAHAHA!! :D")
def cry():
print("WAAA!! TT_TT")
def multiplier(func, repeats):
for i in range(repeats):
multiplier(laugh, 5)
multiplier(cry, 2)
You can also return a function. Remember, you’re returning a function (func
), not the output of a function call (func()
Make sure you understand how x
and n
are used in the example below!
def power(n):
def nth_power(x):
return x ** n
return nth_power
squarer = power(2) # returns the nth_power function
print(squarer(5)) ## 25 (5**2)
cuber = power(3)
print(cuber(4)) ## 64 (4**3)
Make sure you understand everything on this page before moving on. Otherwise it will get really confusing!