Welcome to Python Programming!

A very warm welcome to all MSc AI students and AI for Healthcare CDT students! Congratulations on securing a place at Imperial College London to broaden your knowledge on AI and Machine Learning (and for CDT students, applying your knowledge to healthcare).

Looking forward to meeting you (virtually) in October!

Pre-sessional Study Materials

To allow you to get the most out of your degree, we would like you to give a head start on our Python Programming course.

Please go through these two modules at your own pace before we officially start our course in October.

[Optional] If you would like to read up more on Python on your own beyond what we have discussed so far, we recommend Think Python 2nd Edition by Allen B. Downey. A digital copy of the book is available for free on the page.

This is an archived version of the course and is no longer updated. Please find the latest version of the course on the main webpage.